Four Essential Strategies ALL Parents Should Know & Use Daily!

Four Essential Strategies ALL Parents Should Know & Use Daily!


Four Pit Stops to Less Challenging Behaviour!

When’s the last time you went on a Road Trip? I mean with the last few years we all have had, I think we are all due for a bit of an escape! 

I created a course, The Behaviour Roadmap! Your Personal Parenting GPS. In the course I go through 4 Pitstops of the Essential Strategies ALL parents should know and use daily with their Littles! I am going to give you a sneak peek into what those are!

Before we turn on our Parenting GPS and depart on our Behaviour Road Trip I invite you to think about your current home.

  • What are some words to describe the challenges you are currently facing right now? How are you feeling? 

  • I want you to now imagine your “ideal home”, what does it look like? How does it feel? 

If you are dealing with daily challenges and loads of BIG feelings with your Littles that feel unmanageable and chaotic then you are in the right place! 

We can expect that our Littles should have SOME challenging behaviour and big feelings, but we do not want it to be affecting our every routine and feel like it is a constant state we are living in. 

Our Littles have been on this planet for a very short time, and they are learning, reacting, and testing boundaries for the people and environment around them. We can anticipate that our Littles will NOT follow through with all of our expectations, to have BIG feelings about the expectations we do set, and generally just having a tougher time with change and regulating themselves. 

When we can be more proactive instead of reactive with the strategies and tools we use, we can actually make any challenging behaviour less likely, less intense, and shorter!

So how do we do that?

We go on a Roadtrip through four essential pit stops of parenting! 

  1. First, in order to be able to come up with strategies to lessen challenging behaviour we need to understand the basics of behaviour and WHY it happens! 

  2. Second, we need to set up our environment and how we communicate and connect with our Littles to be more positive and proactive before we even see any challenging behaviour! 

  3. Third, we must create structure & predictability for our Littles by using schedules, visuals, and preparing our Littles for changes, transition and waiting.

  4. In the Fourth and final pitstop we need to tackle how to react positively to big feelings and challenging behaviour as we can’t prevent it all! We focus on calming strategies for Littles and parents as well as spotlighting the positive. 

Learning Together

These four pitstops are essential strategies ALL parents should know and use daily to see Littles Challenging Behaviour & BIG Feelings over time. I go through these four essential strategies in detail with how-to’s, scripts, and loads of real life examples. I recommend these four essential strategies to a ALL of the parents and families I work with.

To learn more checkout my course, The Behaviour Roadmap - Your Personal Parenting GPS. You get access to the course, press play, and it will guide you on your journey through the four essential pitstops of parenting!

The Behaviour Roadmap

The Behaviour Roadmap is your Personal Parenting GPS. Depart on the Road Trip from your home and head through the Four Essential Pit stops. The four Pit Stops cover Behaviour Basics, Connection, Communication, Structure, Predictability and Responding Positively. At the end of our Road Trip you will arrive home to a calm and chaos free home. These pit stops are helpful for ALL families regardless of the challenges they are facing.

Head to to learn more about the course.

Checkout my website for more information on who I am, what I do, and how I can help!

Offering Choices to Lessen Challenging Behaviour

Offering Choices to Lessen Challenging Behaviour