Ebook: Creating Calm in the Chaos - The Ultimate Guide to Being Proactive with Littles

Ebook: Creating Calm in the Chaos - The Ultimate Guide to Being Proactive with Littles

Sale Price:CA$13.00 Original Price:CA$22.00

This ebook was created to give ALL parents with Littles, proactive and positive strategies to help them get through their busy and chaotic days. Learning to take a proactive instead of a reactive approach as much as possible is the goal!

In this 80 page ebook, parents will learn to foster connection and communication with their Littles as well as create more structure and predictability in their days. Although being proactive is the ultimate goal, sometimes challenging behaviour will still happen so being prepared for how to respond positively to those big feelings and challenging behaviour is needed!

Let's get cozy and create some calm together!

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In Creating Calm in the Chaos - The Ultimate Guide to Being Proactive with Littles, you will find educational and practical strategies to focus on responding proactively to challenging behaviour instead of always having to be reactive! Parenting doesn’t come with a how-to guide, so I’m here to help simplify parenting with these positive strategies to get you started.

One of my biggest learnings as a parent has been that if we aren’t able to find our own calm as parents, then how in the world can we expect our Littles find theirs? Your Little(s) need you to help yourself first! They need you to bring your calm to the times when they can’t find theirs. 

This ebook starts off with helpful tools for creating a Parenting Mindful Routine to set a good foundation. The remainder of the ebook focuses on proactive and positive strategies to learn how to best set up your environment, what tools to use, and how to respond to your Little(s).

The goal of this ebook is to provide you with the tools you need to help you show up, be the calm, and implement the strategies positively and consistently for your Little(s)!