• Are daily routines, like putting your little one to bed or getting out the door in the morning, EXTRA challenging in your house? 

  • Do you feel like even the simplest household task is a constant battle to complete? 

  • Do you find yourself repeating yourself over and over again, like, “Helllooo, is anyone listening?”

  • Are you having to yell, use time outs, or threaten taking items away from your Littles? 

  • Do you feel exhausted and like your days are super chaotic with your Littles?

  •  Orrrr do you ultimately feel like you have NO IDEA what to try next, but really want to find some balance and calm within your days? 

Well, I’ll tell ya, you are absolutely not alone! I created this course, The Behaviour Roadmap - Your Personal Parenting GPS, to tackle alllll of these challenges, AND MORE! Yes, there is a way!

One time
For 4 weeks

The Behaviour Roadmap is your Personal Parenting GPS. Depart on the Road Trip from your home and head through the Four Essential Pit stops. The four Pit Stops cover Behaviour Basics, Connection, Communication, Structure, Predictability and Responding Positively. At the end of our Road Trip you will arrive home to a calm and chaos free home. These pit stops are helpful for ALL families regardless of the challenges they are facing.

The Behaviour Roadmap
One time
For 4 weeks

About your Presenter

Hi, I’m Alyssa!…

The Mama behind the Behaviour MAMA. I am a Parent / Caregiver Coach, Behaviour Consultant, and mama to two Littles!

I have my Masters in Psychology with a specialization in Applied Behaviour Analysis and I am a Board Certified Behaviour Analyst (BCBA).

I have worked in the world of behaviour for over 10 years and have worked with so many families, just like you, also struggling with their Littles challenging behaviour & BIG Feelings. And guess what? I use the very same strategies I recommend to my clients with my own Littles day in and day out!

If you’re ready to get started… head over to the link below and sign up for course where you can start implementing the strategies and make a real change TODAY!

The Behaviour Roadmap
One time
For 4 weeks